Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our First Sprite Edition

Hey guys, Syon here. Just thought I'd swing by and show off our first sprite.

 As you can see, this a sprite of Sybil with her hands behind her head. This was done by our wonderful artist, Kiwi. 

This is the sprite in use.

Things are always subject to change, so this may not necessarily represent the final product, but I thought it was worth showing off. 

Anyway, that's all for now. See ya' next time. And remember, your feedback is always welcomed. 


  1. Sorry Anon, but I'm a bit confused? Are you asking if that's the full size of the sprite?

  2. Replies
    1. For the time being, yes. It may change down the road, though.

  3. The sprite looks pretty nice, although either her breasts are lopsided or her outfit makes it look that way. For the background it's a little harder to say, it looks like it's not quite filtered enough for the sprite to avoid looking out of place. Maybe take it a touch further, just be sure to avoid the "molten plastic" look.

    1. I'll let Kiwi know about that. As for the background, thank you very much for telling me that, I wasn't very comfortable with the look of the background neither, I'll work on it again. Thank you for your feedback we appreciate it anon.
