Roses are red. Violets are Blue. Our Dev Team isn't dead, we still love you.
In fact, we’ve been busier than ever. A lot of stuff has happened since our last update, so grab your booze and enjoy spending Valentine’s Day alone while reading about an in-development eroge, because we got a lot of stuff to talk about.
Act 1 is coming along nicely. The outline for has been completed for sometime, and while a few adjustments are being made, writing is going smoothly. With some of us even starting work on our routes. However, there is some heart wrenching news. Material Tire decided to break up with us and leave his spot as Julia’s writer, but he's still around in an editorial. That hasn’t set us back, though, as the details for Julia’s route have been written down for a long time, so it’s only a matter of tweaking her a little and having our new writer type it all out.
Speaking of tweaking, we’ve tweaked some of the girls’ designs a little. We haven’t changed their body types or looks (Don’t worry, Amelia is still chubby), but we have changed their clothes a little. This was done so they look less like tourists and more like they came from a different country. It’s nothing too significant, but we’re happy with it.
Next up we have the first and official introduction of one of our side characters. We here at EDT are happy to introduce Charlotte, Sasha’s little sister! A.K.A. the little ghost hiding behind Sasha in the Halloween picture.

Charlotte Beleren
Age: 10
Birthday: October 21
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Teal
Height: 4'3”
Favorite Food: Burgers, but only if they don't have the tomatoes. Claims to hate fish, but she'll eat it if she knows that Sasha or her mother can't see it. Generally prefers sugary foods, like any kid.
Favorite Color: Purple, almost a violet tint. She likes drawing with it because “it stands out more than the others.”
Other information:
- Sasha taught her how to swim. She likes to play Marco Polo with other friends, but only when she isn't 'it'. Is a bit of a scrapper, tends to get rough and has a strong tomboy streak, commonly picking fights with other children her age.
- Has a fear of bugs, most of all bees and wasps. Strangely enough she isn't scared of spiders. “Mama told me spiders ain't a bug so I ain't a scared of them no more!”
- Thinks fish are slimy and gross. Sasha frequently tries to take her fishing, but all she does is chill at the pier with Sasha while looking for things to do. Most of the time she tries to watch TV, but because of frequent power outages she either sits around and complains about how there's nothing to do, or she draws.
- Goes to elementary school. There's only one in the town, and she shares a class with 30 other kids, at a school of about 60 other 4th graders.
- Sasha always dresses her up in skirts and dresses, but she prefers shorts “like big sis.”
- Isn't too conscious about the war going on. Understands that their neighbors are at war, but like most kids, doesn't think of it beyond people killing each other.
Also, here’s some Vincent concept art. We’ll do a Vincent Edition soon, but enjoy this for the time being.
Hopefully we’ll be introducing more side characters soon, so stick with us.
Well, that just about does her. But before you go, have some treats that the girls made to celebrate this occasion.
Happy Valentine’s Day, EDT.
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