Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Update Edition

Hello! It has been a while since we posted something to this blog. We just want to let everyone know that we're still alive and working! Sorry if we haven't updated in a while. I have been programming the next build which will include the whole intro. I have added several Sound and Visual Effects as well as coded the whole script and lines. Just working on debugging and adding details here and there. We are looking for a Backgrounds artist so if you or anyone you know are/is a good background artist do not hesitate to contact us!

In the meanwhile our awesome artists Kiwi and WaffleBunny are working on temporal Backgrounds but we would really like someone that can take that position.

Jabs our awesome musician has improved the "Amare in Bellum: Title" song. It's embedded on the right panel of this webpage.

Our writers are already advancing into Act 1 and developing their corresponding girls attitude and personalities. We expect to introduce a new girl soon in this blog.

Kiwi has drawn some expressions for Amelia, she was presented in the previous blogpost:

We'll continue to work hard and report our progress.

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